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Integrated Systems and OEM

we are at your side at all times

Cameras, software and solutions di ispezione visiva per OEM

Studio Progetti Automation offers its customers a wide range of services to maintain high production standards of quality and professionalism.

Inspection system in flexible configurations

We manufacture in-house inspection systems that offer high processing speed and support high resolution options. The special liquid lens option enables focusing without moving parts, making adjustments easy. Our inspection management software makes it easy to switch between product inspection profiles and easily export production data.

Integrated, space-saving visual inspection systems

In production areas, space is often limited and adding new machines can sometimes seem like an insurmountable obstacle. With our inspection system offering, we can integrate the visual inspection component into the existing production plant or work with OEMs to develop a combined system that minimizes the footprint of any inspection tool.

How do OEM installations work?

We work with you and any integration partners to ensure a flawless installation. Early in the project, we outline critical inspection requirements to help you choose the best options for your business.

Integration flexibility for specific inspections

Integrated vision inspection solutions can perform a wide variety of inspections, well beyond checking prints, texts and presentations. They can also check that the product is complete, that the colors are coordinated and even that the shape is correct. Contact us with your inspection needs and we will offer you an inspection solution that can be perfectly integrated into your existing production line.

Customizable and PC-managed visual inspection systems

It is important to us to be able to provide cost-effective solutions, which is why we offer label inspection solutions for all common applications. When additional functionality is required (such as high throughput or inspection speeds), we recommend PC-based vision inspection systems, which offer greater processing power. If you are unsure which solution to choose, our team of experts can help you determine which is best for your needs.

360° Bottle, Cap and Capsule Orientation System on board the labeller

Studio Progetti Automation has developed and patented the SPA SCOS  orientation system for bottles, caps and capsules at 360 degrees on board the labelling machine.

  • Centering on symbols
  • Centering on notches
  • Centering on welding
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