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Barcode Inspection System

Visual inspection for date codes, UPCs, QR codes and other encoded information.

A barcode inspection system is a specialized technology used to read, analyze and verify the accuracy of barcodes (UPC, SKU, EAN), QR codes and date codes on various products or packaging.

The system uses cameras to scan the barcode, decode the information within it and then compare the information in the database to verify accuracy and confirm that the product is printed and readable correctly.

Visual inspection systems for barcodes and date codes are commonly used to find errors in printed codes to minimize product recalls or fines for retailers.

  • Ensuring compliance with industry standards

    The presence and correct placement of codes on packaging is critical to prevent rework and returns, as well as fines or even lawsuits. Our systems verify the readability of printed codes, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

  • Proven code reading techniques
    Product codes can be exposed in many ways, often using multiple versions of the same code in different formats, requiring a system that is flexible enough to read multiple types of codes. Our vision inspection systems support a wide range of barcode formats and text fonts, and can read traditionally difficult formats such as dot matrices.
  • Suitable for various container shapes and types
    Our systems can perform 360° inspections, making it possible to locate and verify codes on non-oriented containers. Other configurations allow, when necessary, the inspection of codes located on the top or bottom of the package.

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