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We are at your side at all times

Range of servicesforniti ai nostri clienti

Studio Progetti Automation offers its customers a wide range of services to maintain high production standards of quality and professionalism.

Modern solutions

The Evolution of Quality Control for Production Lines


Remote Assistance

SPA Lab offers its customers a 360° assistance service, including remote assistance to operate on the machines remotely, helping to solve problems more quickly.


Feasibility Consulting

Studio Progetti Automation provides consultancy services to verify the feasibility of its customers’ requests, offering customized studies to optimize design solutions on production lines.


Education and Training

SPA Lab follows its customers at all times, also carrying out training and education activities for operators who work on the production line, with the aim of improving productivity and eliminating problems and human errors.


On-site interventions

In addition to remote assistance and training activities, Spa Lab carries out on-site interventions upon customer request, to operate and correct any problems that arise in the post-sales phase.


Upgrade Software

The assistance offered by Studio Progetti Automation operates at 36 degrees, also offering uprade and updating services for the software used in the machinery supplied, to always guarantee the maximum quality and functionality.


Spare parts

SPA Lab also provides assistance with regards to the hardware of its products, guaranteeing an ad hoc supply of any spare parts on the products supplied.

Assistance and Services

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