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Inspection and Fill Level Control Systems

Discover the types of inspections we offer and the products in our range that perform this function:

Visual Inspection Systems for Cap and Fill Level Control During production, overfilling or underfilling errors can occur for a variety of reasons: operator error, incorrect system settings, filling system blockages or tool maintenance requirements. Identifying and addressing these issues early helps avoid product waste, rework requirements and rejected or returned products, which impact profit margins. Manufacturers can perform in-line fill level checks without slowing down production speeds by installing a fill level inspection system on the production line. Product inspection systems made by Studio Progetti Automation are able to quickly identify and remove under- or over-filled products and provide real-time feedback to filling tools, reducing the need for rework and production downtime.

Fill Level Inspection Solutions

Fill Level Inspection Methods

  • Checkweigher for Fill Level Inspection
    Dynamic checkweighers weigh items as they move along the production line.
  • X-ray Inspection for Fill Level Inspection
    Inspection systems can also be used to determine the fill level of a product
  • Visual Inspection for Fill Level Inspection
    Visual inspection uses a video camera to take a picture of the container and visually verify the fill level
  • Automatic Fill Level Feedback
    All SPA Lab dynamic checkweighers are capable of sending digital feedback to the filling equipment.

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