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Spa Lab - Controllo Qualità Linea Produzione F&B header-1
Spa Lab - Controllo Qualità Linea Produzione F&B prefabbricato
Studio Progetti Automation

Vision Lab

Studio Progetti Automation is unique in having a Vision Laboratory open to all its customers with the aim of studying together the feasibility and any other specifics of the application requested by them. Thanks to this Philosophy, by analyzing each single sample delivered to the studio, it will be possible to study in the field, together with the customer, any peculiarity and sizing of the system until discovering what the final results achieved in production will be.

Studio Progetti Automation has increased its experience over the years by designing and creating vision systems in the bottling world. Local labeling machine manufacturing companies are of national and international importance and testify, more than many words, to the quality of the systems that Studio Progetti Automation has developed, each dedicated to solving a particular need.

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